Industrialized Cyclist Notepad

Salem nuclear plant

While worriers worried about Oyster Creek, several plants in the path of the storm experienced “events.” Salem: atmospheric steam dump…

NRC: Current Event Notification Report for October 30, 2012


“This report if being made under the requirements of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), Actuation of the Reactor Protection System While Critical, except preplanned, and under the requirements of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), Valid Actuation of Listed System, except preplanned.

“Salem Unit 1 was operating at 100% reactor power when a loss of 4 condenser circulators required a manual reactor trip in accordance with station procedures. The cause of the 4 circulators being removed from service was due to a combination of high river level and detritus from Hurricane Sandy’s transit.

“All control rods inserted. A subsequent loss of the 2 remaining circulators required transition of decay heat removal from condenser steam dumps to the 11-14 MS10s (atmospheric steam dump). Decay heat removal is from the 11/12 Aux Feed Pumps to all 4 steam generators via the 11-14 MS10s. 11/12/13 AFW pumps started due to low level on all steam generators due to shrink from full power operation (this is a normal response). All safety related equipment functioned as expected. No one has been injured. As an additional note, Hurricane Sandy had recently moved past artificial island. Salem Unit 1 is currently in Mode 3. Salem Unit 2 reactor is currently in its 2R19 refueling outage and is shutdown and defueled with no fuel movement in progress.”

via NRC: Current Event Notification Report for October 30, 2012.

The Lion of Flanders
October 30, 2012, 06:00
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In Italy, Magni was known as “the third man,” the chief competitor of the Italian cycling gods Fausto Coppi and Gino Bartali. He was not their equal in popularity – partly because of allegations that he had collaborated with Fascists during the war – but he won his share of races.


“In life, defeats are more likely to happen than wins,” Magni said.

“Losing to Coppi and Bartali, and therefore congratulating them, is an experience that I am happy to have had – an experience that taught me a lot.”


Magni won 7 Tour de France stages and the Giro 3 times and some other stuff. He may also have been a fascist, but then, it turns out, so are most Americans.