Industrialized Cyclist Notepad

Fukushima News Downplayed Health Concerns and Still Does

Oh yeah, that Fukushima thing. I remember that.

Four years after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the disaster no longer dominates U.S. news headlines, though the disabled plant continues to pour three hundred tons of radioactive water into the ocean each day. Homes, schools and businesses in the Japanese prefecture are uninhabitable, and will likely be so forever. Yet the U.S. media has dropped the story while public risks remain.A new analysis by American University sociology professor Celine Marie Pascale finds that U.S. news media coverage of the disaster largely minimized health risks to the general population.

Pascale analyzed more than 2,000 news articles from four major U.S. outlets following the disasters occurrence March 11, 2011 through the second anniversary on March 11, 2013. Only 6 percent of the coverage—129 articles—focused on health risks to the public in Japan or elsewhere. Human risks were framed, instead, in terms of workers in the disabled nuclear plant.

via Fukushima News.

Typhoon Wipha
October 15, 2013, 21:48
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via ex-skf:

click to enlarge

Sorry about the ad below if there is one and sorry about the fact that the spent fuel pool might blow over in the typhoon and make the northern hemisphere uninhabitable.

Ice Wall
September 3, 2013, 10:21
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Japan is to invest hundreds of millions of dollars into building a frozen wall around the Fukushima nuclear plant to stop leaks of radioactive water.

Government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said an estimated 47bn yen ($473m, £304m) would be allocated.

The leaks were getting worse and the government “felt it was essential to become involved to the greatest extent possible”, Mr Suga said.

via BBC News – Fukushima leaks: Japan pledges $470m for 'ice wall'.

Way too late, government.

Now TEPCO is lining its radioactive waste pools with quilts

The biggest scare at the plant in recent days has been the discovery that at least three of seven underground storage pools are seeping thousands of gallons of radioactive water into the soil. On Wednesday, Tepco acknowledged that the lack of adequate storage space for contaminated water had become a “crisis,” and said it would begin emptying the pools. But the company said that the leaks will continue over the several weeks that it will likely take to transfer the water to other containers.

Plant workers dug these underground ponds about six months ago to store the ever-growing amount of contaminated water at the plant. There is about 400 tons daily from two sources: runoff from a makeshift cooling system rigged together after the site’s regular cooling equipment was knocked out by the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, and a steady stream of groundwater seeping into damaged reactors.

Tepco stores more than a quarter-million tons of radioactive water at the site and says the amount could double within three years.

But as outside experts have discovered with horror, the company had lined the pits for the underground pools with only two layers of plastic each 1.5 millimeters thick, and a third, clay-based layer just 6.5 millimeters thick. And because the pools require many sheets hemmed together, leaks could be springing at the seams, Tepco has said.

“No wonder the water is leaking,” said Hideo Komine, a professor in civil engineering at Ibaraki University, just south of Fukushima. He said that the outer protective lining should have been hundreds of times thicker.

via Fukushima Nuclear Plant Is Still Unstable, Japanese Official Says –

Remember when we thought Japan was leading the world into a utopia of capitalist industrial perfection?

Tanks for the Memories

Seems pretty clear at this point. In the future all of our time, energy and material resources will go toward making tanks to store an ever-increasing amount of radioactive wastewater that we have dumped in desperation onto melted reactor cores and ‘spent’ nuclear fuel, and which has leaked out of some other tank or tanks. Unfortunately, though we can look forward to full employment, and lots of good times with our colleagues down at the tank factory, the Tank Game is un-winnable.

Did Kafka write this passage:

Tokyo Electric Power Co. previously said two of seven huge underground tanks at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant had been leaking since Saturday if not earlier.

The latest leak involves a tank that was being used to take water from one of the two that were leaking, TEPCO spokesman Masayuki Ono said. …

TEPCO has halted the transfer of water to the third tank, diverting it to a fourth tank that remains intact. Two of the seven tanks are currently unused.

Ono said TEPCO has decided to stop using the two most damaged of the three leaking tanks as soon as they are emptied, but will use the other because of a tank shortage.

via More radioactive water leaking from storage tanks at Japanese nuclear plant damaged by tsunami – The Washington Post.

American babies and Fukushima

Mangano and Sherman, “Elevated airborne beta levels in Pacific/West Coast US States and trends in hypothyroidism among newborns after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown” Open Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 3, Number 1, March 2013.

1.2. Exposure to Radioactive Iodine as a Factor
in Congenital Hypothyroidism

Another potential environmental risk factor is prenatal
exposure to radioactive iodine isotopes, which seek out
the susceptible fetal thyroid gland. For decades radioactive
iodine has been recognized to cause adverse effects
(including hypothyroidism) to the thyroid gland. The
fetal thyroid, the first glandular structure to appear in the
human embryo [14], begins to concentrate iodine and
produce thyroid hormones by the 70th day of gestation
[15]. In the mid-1950s, during the period of atmospheric
nuclear weapons tests, I-131 produced by fission was
first detected in the adult human thyroid [16,17]. I-131
concentrations were calculated to be about 10 times
higher in the human fetal thyroid vs. the human adult or
hog thyroid [18], and maximum elevations in fetal thy-
roids were detected approximately one month after nuclear
explosions [19]. The main path of exposure to shortlived
isotopes such as I-131 is via dairy products due to
radioactive fallout deposition on forage [20].


It gets all over the grass, the cows eat the grass, and the I-131 and Cesium are thus concentrated in cheese and milk.

…Large amounts of fallout disseminated worldwide from the meltdowns in four reactors at the Fukushima-Dai-ichi plant in Japan beginning March 11, 2011 included radioiodine isotopes. Just days after the meltdowns, I-131 concentrations in US precipitation was measured up to 211 times above normal. Highest levels of I-131 and airborne gross beta were documented in the five US States on the Pacific Ocean. The number of congenital hypothyroid cases in these five states from March 17-December 31, 2011 was 16% greater than for the same period in 2010, compared to a 3% decline in 36 other US States (p < 0.03). The greatest divergence in these two groups (+28%) occurred in the period March 17-June 30 (p < 0.04). …

US Service members sue Tepco
March 15, 2013, 07:51
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WASHINGTON: US service members are suing the Tokyo Electric Power Co. for more than $2 billion on grounds the utility lied about the dangers of helping clean up the nuclear disaster that struck two years ago, a newspaper reported on Thursday.

The case was first filed by nine plaintiffs in December but has now expanded to 26, and another 100 are in the process of joining the suit, said Stars and Stripes newspaper.


The plaintiffs says the have suffered a number of ailments that they say are linked to their exposure, including headaches, difficulty concentrating, rectal bleeding, thyroid problems, cancer, tumors and gynecological bleeding.


So they say, things that go around come around and all that.

Fukushima Radioactive Aerosol Dispersal

NOAA’s HYSPLIT model shows clouds of highly radioactive Cesium wafting over the US after Fuku blew sky high. Only one month’s worth shown.

To see animation:



No. 4 spent fuel pool heating up after cooling system knocked out

UPDATE: SFP cooling restarted 307 PM per TEPCO via


Could make these Colorado fires look pretty insignificant.

Note that NBC’s top story tonight was about a college kid who got attacked by chimps in S. Africa. No mention of Fukushima or LIBOR. They’re not even pretending any more.

The cooling system of the spent-fuel pool in reactor 4 at the Fukushima No. 1 plant automatically suspended operations Saturday and the water temperature is starting to rise, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said.

The utility has been unable to activate a backup cooling system for the pool since operations halted at around 6.25 a.m., and is looking into the causes, Tepco officials said later in the day.

The pool’s water temperature stood at around 31 degrees Celsius when the cooling system ceased functioning and was increasing by 0.26 degree per hour late Saturday afternoon, according to the officials.

If Tepco remains unable to start up the system or its backup, the temperature could reach 65 degrees by Tuesday morning — the maximum limit specified by safety regulations.

via Temperature climbing in No. 4 reactor's pool after cooling system knocked out | The Japan Times Online.

Typhoon Guchol
June 17, 2012, 18:48
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click to enlarge

via Typhoon Guchol : 5 Day Forecast Map | Weather Underground.

Radioactive bluefin tuna crossed the Pacific to US

Five months after the Fukushima disaster, Fisher of Stony Brook University in New York and a team decided to test Pacific bluefin that were caught off the coast of San Diego. To their surprise, tissue samples from all 15 tuna captured contained levels of two radioactive substances—ceisum-134 and cesium-137—that were higher than in previous catches.


The results “are unequivocal. Fukushima was the source,” said Ken Buesseler of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, who had no role in the research.

Bluefin tuna absorbed radioactive cesium from swimming in contaminated waters and feeding on contaminated prey such as krill and squid, the scientists said. As the predators made the journey east, they shed some of the radiation through metabolism and as they grew larger. Even so, they weren’t able to completely flush out all the contamination from their system.

“That’s a big ocean. To swim across it and still retain these radionuclides is pretty amazing,” Fisher said.

via Radioactive bluefin tuna crossed the Pacific to US – The Denver Post.

All well below “safe levels,” of course, according to govt. agencies. That’s fine, I won’t be eating any. More for you!

Hiroaki Koide: Promoters of nuclear power should eat contaminated food

Why should little kids have to eat it? An interesting moral dilemma.


There is no clean food.


Sadly, the Fukushima accident happened, and has spread contamination throughout the world. So there is no food that is clean or safe.


But there is a continuous variety of food from extremely contaminated food to relatively safe food. The issue is how to accept [allocate] such food.


Extremely contaminated food should be eaten by people who have promoted nuclear power. TEPCO top management, and politicians and scholars who have promoted nuclear power. I would like to build such a system.


The rest of the contaminated food should be eaten by adults, who have allowed nuclear power to this extent, so that the non-contaminated food goes to children.

via EX-SKF:

Hiroaki Koide: "Adults in Japan Should Eat Contaminated Food" to Atone for the Sins of Having Allowed Nuke Power | EXSKF.

Debris map of reactor 4 spent fuel pool

Dug out of a report and translated by EX-SKF:

click to enlarge

Sand-like sediments?

Reactor 4 demands our attention

Via EX-SKF: #Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Reactor 4 to Get a Cover and a Crane | EXSKF.

Which dude said, Hey, let’s put the spent fuel pool on the roof of the reactor building. Are the US reactors like that as well (except with far more spent fuel)? Ack.

It would be good to remove the material from the spent fuel pool before it all collapses in a heap. Currently the crane is crumpled in the pool itself. So a new crane will be needed, and a structure to support it. Here are the plans for such released today:

Not your ordinary puddle
March 28, 2012, 05:00
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From Tepco’s photos released to the press.

click to enlarge

Radionuclide contamination in Fukushima and adjacent prefectures

The outside annual radiation dose due to the radionuclides from the Fukushima accident is estimated to be 10 mSv in Naka-Dori, 40 mSv in Iitate, 0.2 mSv in the region between northern Ibaraki and eastern Saitama, and 2 mSv in southern Ibaraki and northern Chiba prefectures (note that the present estimate does not include the doses from short-lived radionuclides). No internal dose contribution is assumed in these estimations.

via PubMed: Assessment of individual radionuclide distributions from the Fukushima nuclear accident covering central-east Japan.

USGS measures fallout from Fukushima in precipitation samples

Via EX-SKF —

Via USGS —

Amateur Fukushima Cleanup
February 11, 2012, 13:00
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Amateur cleanup, pro revenue. Nuke companies make the mess, then make a profit pretending to clean it up. Is there a Corexit for nuclear accidents?

It was these same three companies that helped build 45 of Japan’s 54 nuclear plants — including the reactor buildings and other plants at Fukushima Daiichi that could not withstand the tsunami that caused a catastrophic failure — according to data from Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, a watchdog group.

One of them, the Taisei Corporation, leads the consortium that sent out the workers now tramping around Iitate in hazmat suits. Consortiums led by Taisei and the other two big companies — Obayashi and Kajima — among them received contracts for the government’s first 12 pilot decontamination projects, totaling about $93 million.

“It’s a scam,” said Kiyoshi Sakurai, a critic of the nuclear industry and a former researcher at a forerunner to the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, which is overseeing this phase of decontamination. “Decontamination is becoming big business.”

via After Fukushima Disaster, a Confused Effort at Cleanup –

Fukushima kills birds first

In the first major study of the impact of the world’s worst nuclear crisis in 25 years, the researchers, from Japan, the US and Denmark, said their analysis of 14 species of bird common to Fukushima and Chernobyl, the Ukrainian city which suffered a similar nuclear meltdown, showed the effect on abundance is worse in the Japanese disaster zone.

The study, published next week in the journal Environmental Pollution, suggests that its findings demonstrate “an immediate negative consequence of radiation for birds during the main breeding season [of] March [to] July”.

via Bird numbers plummet around stricken Fukushima plant – Asia – World – The Independent.

Tepco’s Fukushima Live Cam
January 21, 2012, 12:31
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Can you view it? I am “missing plug-in.”