Industrialized Cyclist Notepad

Salem nuclear plant

While worriers worried about Oyster Creek, several plants in the path of the storm experienced “events.” Salem: atmospheric steam dump…

NRC: Current Event Notification Report for October 30, 2012


“This report if being made under the requirements of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), Actuation of the Reactor Protection System While Critical, except preplanned, and under the requirements of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), Valid Actuation of Listed System, except preplanned.

“Salem Unit 1 was operating at 100% reactor power when a loss of 4 condenser circulators required a manual reactor trip in accordance with station procedures. The cause of the 4 circulators being removed from service was due to a combination of high river level and detritus from Hurricane Sandy’s transit.

“All control rods inserted. A subsequent loss of the 2 remaining circulators required transition of decay heat removal from condenser steam dumps to the 11-14 MS10s (atmospheric steam dump). Decay heat removal is from the 11/12 Aux Feed Pumps to all 4 steam generators via the 11-14 MS10s. 11/12/13 AFW pumps started due to low level on all steam generators due to shrink from full power operation (this is a normal response). All safety related equipment functioned as expected. No one has been injured. As an additional note, Hurricane Sandy had recently moved past artificial island. Salem Unit 1 is currently in Mode 3. Salem Unit 2 reactor is currently in its 2R19 refueling outage and is shutdown and defueled with no fuel movement in progress.”

via NRC: Current Event Notification Report for October 30, 2012.

The Lion of Flanders
October 30, 2012, 06:00
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In Italy, Magni was known as “the third man,” the chief competitor of the Italian cycling gods Fausto Coppi and Gino Bartali. He was not their equal in popularity – partly because of allegations that he had collaborated with Fascists during the war – but he won his share of races.


“In life, defeats are more likely to happen than wins,” Magni said.

“Losing to Coppi and Bartali, and therefore congratulating them, is an experience that I am happy to have had – an experience that taught me a lot.”


Magni won 7 Tour de France stages and the Giro 3 times and some other stuff. He may also have been a fascist, but then, it turns out, so are most Americans.

Public Spending

Highways and streets: blue
Education construction: orange
Health care construction: red
amusements and rec: green

click to enlarge

the Surge

at Battery Park.


Cone of Probability

Hurricane Sandy.


click to enlarge

The cost of energy
October 27, 2012, 07:00
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Consumer price index for energy, US (red) vs. France (blue) vs. NZ (green) vs. Japan (yellow) in the world cup of energy prices. 1980 = 100.

click to enlarge
FRED graph.

More on “Teschke Study:” Streetcar tracks blamed in one-third of Toronto bike accident E.R. visits

An impressive tally.

However, 96 of the 690 crashes studied in downtown Toronto and Vancouver directly involved streetcar or train tracks. Eighty-seven of those accidents were in Toronto, accounting for 31.5 per cent of all bike accidents in the city that led to an injury that required a visit to an emergency department.

via Streetcar tracks blamed in one-third of Toronto bike accidents.

Hurricane Sandy
October 24, 2012, 19:32
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The cone of probability.

As of 10/24 afternoon.

“The Teschke Study”

Objectives. We compared cycling injury risks of 14 route types and other route infrastructure features.

Methods. We recruited 690 city residents injured while cycling in Toronto or Vancouver, Canada. A case-crossover design compared route infrastructure at each injury site to that of a randomly selected control site from the same trip.

Results. Of 14 route types, cycle tracks had the lowest risk (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 0.11; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.02, 0.54), about one ninth the risk of the reference: major streets with parked cars and no bike infrastructure. Risks on major streets were lower without parked cars (adjusted OR = 0.63; 95% CI = 0.41, 0.96) and with bike lanes (adjusted OR = 0.54; 95% CI = 0.29, 1.01). Local streets also had lower risks (adjusted OR = 0.51; 95% CI = 0.31, 0.84). Other infrastructure characteristics were associated with increased risks: streetcar or train tracks (adjusted OR = 3.0; 95% CI = 1.8, 5.1), downhill grades (adjusted OR = 2.3; 95% CI = 1.7, 3.1), and construction (adjusted OR = 1.9; 95% CI = 1.3, 2.9).

Conclusions. The lower risks on quiet streets and with bike-specific infrastructure along busy streets support the route-design approach used in many northern European countries. Transportation infrastructure with lower bicycling injury risks merits public health support to reduce injuries and promote cycling. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print October 18, 2012: e1-e8. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2012.300762)

via American Public Health Association – Route Infrastructure and the Risk of Injuries to Bicyclists: A Case-Crossover Study.

Debate Tonight

The debate nobody’s heard about. Maybe Larry King will get arrested and/or tazed for taking part.

Taze Larry King!

Tuesday, October 23rd 8pm

Moderator: Larry King

Invited and Confirmed for the Debate:
– Rocky Anderson, Justice Party
– Virgil Goode, Constitution Party
– Gary Johnson, Libertarian Party
– Jill Stein, Green Party

Invited but Unconfirmed:
– Barak Obama, Democratic Party
– Mitt Romney, Republican Party

Unduly Burdensome

Colorado health authorities will not fully enforce new EPA rules designed to protect people from air pollution at oil and gas facilities.

The state’s Air Quality Control Commission voted instead for a partial adoption of the federal clean-air rules. They plan to hold public meetings next year to consider full implementation.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment officials on Thursday issued a statement saying residents already are protected under “state rules that cover many aspects of EPA’s rules.” The statement said the commission worried that adopting the new standards “could potentially trigger unduly burdensome permitting requirements” for companies.

State officials said they would make no further comment on the issue and did not respond to questions Thursday.

via Health department won't enforce all oil and gas well clean-air rules – The Denver Post.

Air Quality Control Commission.

Wouldn’t want air quality to get out of control.

Louisiana Bunker Explosion would be a great name for a band

Underground explosions TEND NOT to light up the night sky. Or is that part of the new surreality.

A loud boom and a bright orange flash that shook up a pocket of northwest Louisiana last night (Oct. 15) was due to an underground explosion at the Camp Minden industrial park and National Guard training site, according to the Webster Parish Sheriff’s Office.

Candidates argue over who can burn more oil, gas and coal and bail out more failed industries

From the official transcript of last night’s town hall-style debate.

R: President Obama’s policies have strangled oil production in this country! When I’m President I will OPEN THE FREAKING SPIGOTS.

O: The opening of spigots is an idea we developed in my administration, Governor. We are going to produce and burn more oil than you ever thought possible, then we are going to burn some more. I guarantee it.

R: When I am President we will literally be swimming in oil, gas and coal.

O: Obama starts with O and that stands for OIL!!

R: Admit that you hate oil. Admit that you hate gas.


[Both men start jumping up and down, waving their arms like bonobos.]



U.S. light vehicle sales since 1976

via FRED

The Same People

Beware of silver-tongued demonweasels in fashionable eyeglasses.

From an interview with Joerg Jaksche on Aussie ABC:


Jaksche explains how he was introduced to doping by his team manager, and supplied with EPO by his team doctor (not US Postal). He explains how the drug makes the difference between being “permanently dropped” or being able to race. He explains the easy justification for pro riders — “everybody was doing it.” And then he explains the absurd level of hypocrisy which drove him to finally tell all:

The same people who brought me to Fuentes [notorious blood-doping Spanish doctor] and asked me to do EPO doping or use other performance enhancing drugs, they were the same people who suddenly started a movement for credible cycling — and were pointing the finger at us riders.

Everybody doped

It really is true.

There is no denying it now. Short of throwing it all away and doing something else, riders at the top of the sport had no real choice but to use powerful drugs which boost the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. And no real choice but to lie about it. Caught in a trap. Some were more artful than others.

The demonization of riders is just the next step in the industrialization of the sport. Sure there are some clowns among them — Tyler Hamilton swore on the soul of his dead dog that he was clean, and Floyd de-floyded his loyal fans out of a lot of cash — but the real demon-weasels are higher up. The team directors, sponsors and owners, who depend entirely on doped riders for their livelihoods, all pretend to be pure as the driven snow when the truth sputters out, unceremoniously throwing rider after rider under the team bus (which was just moments ago parked on the side of the road for a blood transfusion session).

They are all doped. So now, the only ones we have to worry about are the ones who are swearing purity, setting up teams that are sworn to be special and clean and ‘turning over a new leaf,’ and other assorted nonsense. Yeah. Jonathon Vaughters. All your riders are doped. Stop talking. Just. Stop. Talking.

I’m sick of hard-working riders being used as human shields by these silver-tongued corporate warthogs in fashionable eyeglasses. Unfortunately, recent highly publicized crackdowns still pretend that the higher-ups are innocent, so they can’t possibly clean up the sport and make it safer for kids with talent. We will just get a new crop of dopers, and a new crop of dope.

Single mom opens women’s bike shop
October 9, 2012, 08:19
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Opened, in 2010.

I’m just saying that making a women-specific store might dissuade George Hincapie from stopping by, which could be a minor tragedy. He buys a lot of spare tubes.

When she was laid off from L’Oréal in 2009 after her division was sold, she decided to take an interim job at a local cycling store.

Within no time, she says, “women began to come in just to talk to me, and to ask questions like what trails were good with kids and what bra I wore when I rode.”

The experience gave her the idea to create a bike-shopping experience for women that, as she says, wasn’t all about how fast you rode or what scars you’d acquired. She imagined a boutique featuring feminine décor, stylish cycling apparel, and positive messages.

In December 2010, after a year of researching the market, Bylenga opened that store, called Pedal Chic, in downtown Greenville, S.C.

via Single mom opens women's bike shop – Oct. 8, 2012.

Fuel economy in the U.S.


The recent drop in oil consumption is not due to increases in fuel efficiency.

Army sprayed St. Louis neighborhood with radiological weapons in the 1950s and 1960s

And you thought the ‘chem-trails’ people were nutz, didn’t you?

Strong evidence of mixing radium in with the zinc cadmium sulfide.


The first line of the story contradicts its headline.

In the mid-1950s, and again a decade later, the Army used motorized blowers atop a low-income housing high-rise, at schools and from the backs of station wagons to send a potentially dangerous compound into the already-hazy air in predominantly black areas of St. Louis.

“…at schools…” Your tax dollars at work.

Local officials were told at the time that the government was testing a smoke screen that could shield St. Louis from aerial observation in case the Russians attacked.


The Army has admitted only to using blowers to spread the chemical, but Brindell recalled a summer day playing baseball with other kids in the street when a squadron of green Army planes flew close to the ground and dropped a powdery substance. She went inside, washed it off her face and arms, then went back out to play.

Over the years, Brindell has battled four types of cancer — breast, thyroid, skin and uterine.


Martino-Taylor decided to research the testing for her doctoral thesis at the University of Missouri. She believes the St. Louis study was linked to the Manhattan Atomic Bomb Project and a small group of scientists from that project who were developing radiological weapons. A congressional study in 1993 confirmed radiological testing in Tennessee and parts of the West during the Cold War.

“There are strong lines of evidence that there was a radiological component to the St. Louis study,” Martino-Taylor said.

“Parts of the west?” Which parts?

Bike Parts

The Swap is coming up.

Look how disgustingly dirty my chain is.