Industrialized Cyclist Notepad

The Heat

is on the street


Cancellara takes prologue, Hursts without TV coverage

…TDF IS ON… somewhere …

There were murmurs that Cancellara was no longer the powerhouse he used to be, his legs slowing as younger riders developed, and despite uncertainty within his team surrounding missed wages and in-fighting, the experience and most importantly the power were there for all to see in Liège.

via Tour De France 2012: Prologue Results |

Waldo Canyon Fire Activity Expected to Increase

Today’s Events:
Fire activity is expected to increase today and tomorrow, with higher temperatures and decreasing humidity. Possible afternoon thunderstorms could also bring strong, gusty winds. Temperatures are expected to reach at least 15 degrees above season normal.
On the west side of the fire, crews will hold and improve line from Rampart Ridge Road south to Highway 24, eliminating hotspots where required, extinguishing roll-out logs, and continuing structure protection, with the aim of re-opening the highway as soon as possible. Night crews successfully performed a burnout operation in this area overnight.
Smoke may again be visible from Colorado Springs, as a large island of fuel within the fire perimeter continues to burn, but poses no threat.
Aircraft will make retardant drops on the northern perimeter as firefighters attempt to hold the fire south of Monument Creek. Three spot fires northeast of Rampart Reservoir are being aggressively attacked by air, bulldozers and hand crews. Firefighters will also continue construction of a contingency bulldozer line along Mt. Herman Road north of the fire.
Air resources will continue to be used to suppress fire activity in Williams Canyon on the southern flank of the fire.


Yesterday’s perimeter map:

click to enlarge

Former Denver Councilman and mayoral candidate Linkhart hit by truck on Bike to Work Day

He was my favorite mayoral candidate. He has almost no TV charisma, which is a major plus for a public official. He would have made a fine mayor. He liked libraries.

Fortunately, he’s fine, but the incident did prompt a conversation between council members and the mayor about road safety regulations and the interactions between cyclists and vehicles.

…During which, of course, scofflaw bicyclists somehow came out the villains, and education and/or reprogramming of scofflaw bicyclists was re-hurled to the tippy top of the bike safety priority list. This even though Linkhart’s crash (1) did not involve a scofflaw bicyclist and (2) car-bike crashes involving adult bicyclists typically do not. The most likely scenario for an adult bicyclist is to be caught out by another road user’s looked-but-failed-to-see error while riding lawfully. But hey, we’ve all seen bicyclists run lights right? People like Mayor Hancock make no attempt to understand the truth about urban cycling safety. Why bother — everyone knows it’s “common sense.” Common sense is good politics. Let’s not let any facts get in the way of our “common sense” about bicycle safety.

According to Linkhart, he was heading west on 23rd Avenue — on a bike route — approaching Downing Street when a pickup truck went to make a left turn and collided with him.

“I was going straight. He turned left in front of me, and…hit me across the side, and I fell down,” Linkhart recalls.

… Linkhart was scraped up badly, his bike got a bit bent and he had to get several stitches in his leg.

“I kinda went flying,” he said. “I kind of plowed into the sidewalk. I had a helmet, which didn’t help.”

Linkhart, going straight, had the right of way over the pickup truck, which was turning left.

23rd and Downing is classic left cross territory. I’ve been through that intersection a hundred times. Got to ‘keep your head on a swivel’ so to speak.

via Westword Doug Linkhart, ex-councilman, hit while cycling to Bike To Work Day event – Denver News – The Latest Word.

If You Live off Woodmen Road, Thank a Firefighter

I listened to the fire fight most of the day yesterday [Wednesday June 27, a day after 300-plus houses burned]. The fire made a bull rush on the houses above and west of Woodmen Road, around a street called Blodgett Drive and its associated cul-de-sacs, a little neighborhood placed to burn vigorously at the extreme northwest point of Colorado Springs.

The fire “flashed over” and many of the houses started to burn. Without quick action by multiple fire crews from all over the state, dexterously coordinated by radio and face-to-face meetings, the houses would have burned to their foundations.

After its big charge the fire kept up a cat-and-mouse game with the fire crews for the rest of the day, sneaking up on the houses through the brush. The situation was especially tense up on Angelstone, where five luxury homes sit in an exclusive little enclave hanging above the Blodgett Drive neighborhood. Fire smoldered on the hillside all day and into the night, and into the next day, as crews tended the houses with one easily blocked escape route.

The photo shows heavily wooded area behind Blodgett Drive and the houses perched on Angelstone. Woodmen Road is below.

At some point fire started in the open area west of Mount Saint Francis, below Woodmen Road. Fire fighters had already identified the nearby houses as a problem spot. The houses along Needlecone Lane and Sawback Trail were lined up along a gully that would “go up like a chimney” and so would be “very hard to defend,” according to radio traffic. But they jumped on it in the open area and put it out.

Screenshot shows the houses along Needlecone Lane and Sawback Trail below Woodmen Road. Mount Saint Francis is just off screen to the northeast.

If you live in this neighborhood, the fire fighters saved your house yesterday. Today is a different day.

Waldo Canyon Fire Map

As of 0600 6/28 June.

Waldo Canyon Fire Map

Early AM 6/27, via|met:300|cat:0|order:3

Waldo Canyon Fire Map

The latest iteration, Wednesday 27 June AM. It ate a good chunk of west CS yesterday.


Waldo Canyon Fire Outruns Fire Companies, Forest Service and Media, Destroys Significant Chunk of Northwest Colorado Springs Suburbs

Don’t have a good map, because the fire is way faster than the map-makers.

Waldo Canyon Fire makes a run toward Rampart Reservoir

According to the IR heat map from last night..

InciWeb the Incident Information System: Waldo Canyon Fire Large Map.

VMT still busted

The latest govt. numbers. April ’12 down a little over April ’11. 53 months and counting.

China’s Sinopec eyes Chesapeake shale gas assets in Oklahoma

All part of America’s new ‘energy security.’

Fu Chengyu, chairman of Sinopec Corp, was in Oklahoma last week to explore the possibility of a bid for a shale gas project, which is owned by Chesapeake Energy, the second largest shale gas producer in the US, Reuters reported.

via China's Sinopec eyes shale gas assets in US | China Economic Review.

Incident Report: Waldo Canyon Fire

As of roughly 5 p.m. Monday, June 25, 2012.


Woodland Park on pre-evac standby.

Waldo Canyon Fire

Heat map about 12 hours old already…showing roughly 2500 acres burnt or burning.


click to enlarge

Kenyan Riders aim for Tour de France

I call dibs on the movie rights.

We could all get together and sponsor a high-altitude training camp for these guys. I know a lot of people who would love to host these athletes in their homes as they train in the high mountains. We have uniquely high paved roads here in Colorado.

Since joining the team two years ago, Kipchumba, 26, has excelled. He says that running success translates smoothly to cycling, but that athletes in Iten remain reluctant to make the switch.

“When you come from running, the lungs are very big,” Kipchumba said. “When I started to train on a bike, I was breathing well. My legs were also used to pain. I had less pain than the others. The only problem is the fear of the sport of cycling. They don’t know much about the sport.”

via In Country of Runners, Kenyan Cycling Team Faces Uphill Climb –

Florida Will Lose Its Freshwater Springs, and the people there will somehow blame everyone but themselves

Just watch.

Just a few years ago, a request for 13 million gallons would not have turned many heads.

But water experts and environmentalists say the effects are cumulative. Although water use has recently decreased, the amounts over all have been set too high for too long and the consequences are only now becoming obvious, they say.

Florida’s population boom led to an increase in the number of people and businesses demanding sprinklers (more water is used outside the home than inside). All of it is groundwater from the Florida Aquifer. The decrease in rainfall in central and northern Florida has worsened the situation.

“We are either in or headed for a water crisis,” said Estus Whitfield, a former principal environmental adviser to five Florida governors.

via Florida Worries as Growth Threatens Its Freshwater Springs –


Ugh.. Robomney…

Heavy Water at Point Lepreau

“Heavy water…” Doesn’t sound so dangerous does it?

About 300 litres of tritiated heavy water spilled on May 21 when a valve opened too soon during pressure testing at the plant.

NB Power crews were testing the system that transfers heat from the reactor up to steam powered turbines as part of preparations to restart the plant when they overpressurized the system.

Poor planning, training led to leak

Rzentkowski said poor planning, training and human error led to the leak, which officials have said was contained in a sealed room and cleaned up without endangering staff or the environment.

“Supervisors were not trained in the operation of the test equipment. Supervisors could not provide active oversight and guidance over the test,” said Razentkowski.

There were two previous spills at Lepreau.

On Dec. 13, less than six litres of heavy water splashed to the floor, forcing an evacuation of the building.

The following day, NB Power issued a statement saying that three weeks earlier another spill had occurred. About 23 barrels of water laced with the toxic chemical hydrazine was released into the Bay of Fundy.

Both incidents occurred as part of preparations for restarting the plant.

via Nuclear watchdog unable to closely monitor Point Lepreau – New Brunswick – CBC News.

Georgia Gould is noticing things

… says that UCI winnings for cyclocross races were ten times more for elite men than they were for elite women.

“This looks like a pretty strong case of discrimination,” Gould said. “I understand men’s fields are deeper. There are more guys racing. OK, you don’t make it equal 20 places deep. But the top few people? You don’t get a discount like, ‘Oh, you’ve got (breasts). You pay less for your plane ticket.’ Or when I buy my license from the UCI, they’re not, like, ‘Oh, you’re a woman. You pay 10 percent of what the men pay.’ I train just as hard. You don’t go the same distance.

via Mountain biker Georgia Gould fought for equal pay for women | All Things Colorado Sports — The Denver Post.

“‘Oh, you’ve got (breasts)'” is among best ever newspaper quotations, lovin’ those parentheses.

Bikepocalypse imminent
June 21, 2012, 20:40
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I enjoyed the weirdly negative headline on this Bloomberg article, and the way they got the ‘rental’ part right for once.

NYC Risks ‘Bikelash’ as 10,000 Rental Cycles Hit Streets – Bloomberg.