Industrialized Cyclist Notepad

Jefferson County Parkway

…is about more than spreading the cancer of suburban development. It is also the latest installment in a long project to cover up history and erase responsibility.

Microsoft Word - Krey-Hardy Clean.doc
click to enlarge

Distribution of plutonium contamination from Rocky Flats in becquerels per square meter (one becquerel equals one disintegration or burst of radiation per second). The original version of this map was prepared by P. W. Krey and E. P. Hardy of the Atomic Energy Commission’s Health and Safety Laboratory, New York City, and published in their 1970 report, “Plutonium in Soil Around the Rocky Flats Plant,” HASL 235. Sampling done in September 2011 along Indiana St. by independent scientist Marco Kaltofen showed that present deposits of plutonium are roughly equivalent to the levels measured by Krey and Hardy in 1970. The dotted red line shows the route of the proposed Jefferson Parkway.

via Leroy Moore: Rocky Flats and the Risk Society | LeRoyMoore's Blog.